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The basic principle of Jonacor Marine high standards of service and accurate compliance with obligations.

Here are just a few reasons to contact us:

  • Строительство яхт на мировых верфях with the participation of Jonacor Marine is a guarantee of full compliance of a vessel depending on your needs, wishes and possibilities.
  • The cost of a vessel acquired with Jonacor Marine, in line with the international price level, and the scheme of payment most comfortable for each of our clients.
  • Jonacor Marine service affects all areas of owning a yacht, ranging from solving technical problems to legal issues and proper logistics.

Продажа катеров и яхт в Санкт-Петербурге от Jonacor Marine - это абсолютно прозрачная история судна, с момента создания проекта до передачи яхты или катера новому владельцу.