Ranger – a new series of high-speed boats from Nordkapp

At the end of last year the Norwegian company Nordkapp introduced a series of Ranger boats with aluminum housing. The first models were the Enduro 605 and 605 Avant, 2016 the line will be complemented by three new boats. The series has absorbed all the best that this was done at the shipyard. The result was a boat with a sporty character and exceptional performance.

boat Nordkapp

Enduro 605 – катер с прочным алюминиевым корпусом, функциональность и прочность которого поддерживается стеклотканью. На борту создан отличный уровень комфорта. Катер оснащен поясом безопасности и герметичным отсеком для хранения снаряжения, аптечки и инструментов. Корпус катера имеет заглубленную форму, за счет чего он рассекает волну намного лучше традиционных глиссирующих лодок. Enduro 605 предназначен для круглогодичной и всепогодной эксплуатации, в чем ему помогает великолепное техническое оснащение. В качестве дополнительных опций Nordkapp предлагает гидроусилитель рулевого управления, тент и эхолот.

Avant 605 will also suit those who plan to use the boat throughout the year. The hull has a deep V-shaped bottom, giving it resistance to water and increased seaworthiness. Wide and sturdy bumper protects the body from premature wear. As well as the Enduro 605, Avant housing is made of aluminum covered with fiberglass. As standard the boat is equipped with a security belt and a sealed compartment for storage of equipment and tools. Additionally, you can order the chart plotter, refrigerator, steering, canopy, Fishfinder, table.

Speedboats you can see at the exhibition Helsinki Boat Afloat, which will be held in the coming days from 18 to 21 August!